The authors must guarantee that they submitted entirely original work and if they have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or referenced.
Initially after submission all articles are screened with professional software to check for plagiarism. After careful screening these are then classified into High, Moderate and Low category. Those which are found high are rechecked using another software and if results are found consistently high, the articles are rejected directly. Moderate and low category articles are processed further.
For the moderate to low category plagiarism, the plagiarism report is shared with the authors at the final verge of corrections. Once we get the corrected article from the author, it is again screened for plagiarism from the two proprietary softwares. Once the article gets very less to zero score of plagiarism from the proprietary softwares, it is considered for publication.
All allegations of plagiarism are investigated in accordance with COPE guidelines detailed at
Initially after submission all articles are screened with professional software to check for plagiarism. After careful screening these are then classified into High, Moderate and Low category. Those which are found high are rechecked using another software and if results are found consistently high, the articles are rejected directly. Moderate and low category articles are processed further.
For the moderate to low category plagiarism, the plagiarism report is shared with the authors at the final verge of corrections. Once we get the corrected article from the author, it is again screened for plagiarism from the two proprietary softwares. Once the article gets very less to zero score of plagiarism from the proprietary softwares, it is considered for publication.
All allegations of plagiarism are investigated in accordance with COPE guidelines detailed at
Date of Last Modification- 2nd January 2020